I didnt know where to ask this question, but I keep trying to save an image with 2.43… yet when I go to where I thought I saved it… no image, it doesnt give me a warning about no image rendered, am i possibly saving it in the wrong place?
you have to set the animation settings to Start: 1, End: 1
Set the output to jpeg, hit ANIM. Just ‘render wont do a thing’. You can render normally(F12) to the image editor(an option in the render tab), and save the image.
Peace man
, hope that helps
still nada is this a bug with 2.43 RC2?
sometimes, if you’ve lost a pic just rendered, first of all click the render output folder icon and see where it is pointing to. It’s there, believe me. As a last resort, use your OS File finder to search for all files created/updated in the last 5 minutes. It could be you reset something and they are going into c:\programe files\blender foundation\blender\render.
i still cant find it… dont know whats going on.
So, let’s start over. You have a model. You have saved the .blend file in ______________. You click Render, and a render window pops up with your render image. You click back into blender, and do a File->Save Image. A directory file browser window opens. You type in the name of the file. The top line of the browser window says what directory it is in… you type in a name. You click “Save Jpeg”…take us from there.
i have saved it in my documents, like i do all images from blender, i have saved it on the desktop, i have even searched for it with the file finder in windows… this is the first time i have tried it since installing the rc2 and was wondering if that had something to do with it?