i have been trying to create animation but when i use the hot key i or when i try and create it on the timeline bar nothing is happening and it is not creating a keyframe i have checked the blender user preference and everything seems to be normal. can any one help
Can you provide more details? step by step what you are doing. Is the mouse in the 3d window when you use the i-key? can you upload the .blend file? (to do so you need to have a higher post count than you have, go the the off topic section and post in some of the forum games there to jump up you post count, or comment on WIP or Finished projects section).
yes it is i am just now learning to use blender so i dont have a big file i have my square and when i select it and hit i nothing happens at all i have even gone into the blender user preference and changed the hot key then changed it back
Can you just start blender, select the default cube and insert a keyframe with the i-key?
no nothing happens and i have re installed a few times
I assume you are using the current blender downloaded from blender.org. If you have downloaded the installer version which installs blender on your computer, maybe try the .zip download and unzip to the desktop an run from there. I’ve never had that fail on me, but I don’t install blender, I unzip to my desktop.
There is a key icon in the timeline, a couple of them, and a dialog box by one, is it empty? No text?
try pressing “i” with caps on.