Since maybe 1 week i have had a problem with something about the scrolling on my mouse. I haven’t changed anything as i could remember. It just was there one day.
The problem is that is is some kind of vertical scroll with my mouse scroll (Logitech Performance MX) instead of the Zoom-funktion i am used to.
I have loaded factory settings, but its still there. I have downloaded a new version of Blender and its still there. In the input-settings it seems to be right. 3DView -> Zoom View -> Mouse -> Wheel in (and “out” on second one)
Have i done something? Do anybody know what have happened?
iMac 27" OS X El Capitan, 10.11.2
(SOLVED: uninstalled blender completely with “AppCleaner” and reinstalled a new version from blender.org)
I haven’t changed anything as i could remember
Well think harder
Check mouse preferences
Check any Logitech preferences
File / Load Factory Settings
Done: Check mouse preferences
Done: Check any Logitech preferences
Done: File / Load Factory Settings
No change. Cant find anything weird in logitech settings. Have not changed anything there. Mouse prefs unchanged and there is not any option for changeing the scroll-wheel there.
“Vertical” panning is by default shift + mouse wheel, perhaps check if those panning hotkeys weren’t changed (look for View Pan bindings in the input editor).
I do not know what the problem was. Nothing seems to have worked. I uninstalled all of Blender using “AppCleaner” to get rid of all the files associated with blender and reinstalled a newly downloaded version. Now it works again.