Hi all,
I try to make my House Primitive script work on 2.77.
When I install and test it, at the creation time, console says:
File "/home/tmaes/.config/blender/2.77/scripts/addons/ArToKi_House.py", line 218, in execute
object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=self)
File "/home/tmaes/Applications/blender-2.77-4af287f-linux-glibc219-x86_64/2.77/scripts/modules/bpy_extras/object_utils.py", line 140, in object_data_add
if operator is not None and any(operator.layers):
File "/home/tmaes/Applications/blender-2.77-4af287f-linux-glibc219-x86_64/2.77/scripts/modules/bpy_types.py", line 598, in __getattribute__
return super().__getattribute__(attr)
AttributeError: 'AddHouse' object has no attribute 'layers'
So I searched th API and found this page: https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_77_0/bpy_extras.object_utils.html
Where I can see that object_data_add has a new(?) parameter called use_active_layer (that is not documented below).
If I use it, and put use_active_layer=TRUE in the line concerned (218) the bug remains almost the same, asking for a ‘layer’ attribute.
Am I wrong working on line 218?
Thanks in advance (at least for reading), I put the script code (working till 2.67) in attachment.
ArToKi_House.zip (3.53 KB)