Problem using Nurbs

I have a problem using Nurbs surfaces on a car…

I have created one half of the car using NURBS Surfaces, and then mirrored it and joined the meshes…

Then I have the choice between several areas that I can merge together with the F Key…

And that is the problem, I can not join together the whole chassis, but only some areas. Earlier I could also join together another part by making the surfaces cyclic in the U Direction, now neither making it cyclic in U, nor in V Direction has any effect on the model.

Here is a picture of the problem, as you see only the front is merged together…

Is there any way to solve it?

Or should I better have used another modelling method? Nurbs surfaces in Blender appear ridiculosely unpowerful compared to other packages to me, due to the many limitations they have!

Should I maybe give it a try using Nurbs or Bezier curves? That was my first approach, but I didn’t get them to form a shape…

Sorry for those noobish questions, but I have used polymodelling in Blender most of the time, but it just doesn’t fit in this modelling approach!

Thanks very much…

try this tutorial

Hmm… sad to see that no one has a Nurbs solution, as I really like the concept…

But although i know about that tutorial already, i can’t leave you without a thanks, anyways… I think I’ll have another look over it :wink:

so… thanks waylow :slight_smile: