Problem when linking in objects with particles

I’m trying to link an object into a scene that has hair particles. One object renders fine, but as soon as I duplicate the object the particles only showup on one object.

This file contains a tree with hair particles:

I open up the scene file:

And link in the group containing the tree (Ctrl+Shift+O):

I render it and it looks fine:

However, if I duplicate the tree object (Shift+D):

And render it:
Only one object has hair particles! :eek:

Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Using Blender 2.56 on Win7 64bits.

This problem has me completely stumped so if anyone knows anything I’d be very greatful :slight_smile: Cheers!

Hmm. This seems like a bug. Trying to link, or append it, using various methods of what I know about library linking, I could not find a solution for it. As I said, it is probably a bug. :frowning:

Cheers. Actually I just tried it with Blender 2.49 and the same thing happens. So I’m thinking now that it’s not a bug, but instead I’m doing something wrong. Can anyone chip in with the correct way to link in particles?


Object - Make Local - Selected objects (make sure the original object with the particles is selected)

Christophe Leyder

Thanks. Making it local does work, but it also completely unlinks it from the original .blend. This increases the filesize and makes it unable to receive chances from the master file. So unfortunately it’s not really practical for my situation. Thanks though.

Is there a way to make it work whilst still staying linked?

Have you tried:

Object - Duplicate Linked? (Also ALT+D)

Yeah, I agree with Chrisboy007.
When you duplicate your second tree, you say you pressed Shift+D? If you do this it will make an unlinked copy which will make a copy of the mesh data and so will waste space/won’t reflect changes made to your master. In this example your first tree would reflect changes to your master file, but the second one wouldn’t. Alt+D is probably the way to go, as this makes a linked copy.
I haven’t tried Alt+D with a object linked to another file before, so if that doesn’t properly link it I’d deffinately call that a bug.
Hope I helped :slight_smile:

Yes, you should use Alt-D. You can make as many linked proxys as you want. They all update when you make changes in the master file.

Yeah I tried Alt+D, but it doesn’t fix the problem. Regardless of the objects being linked together it still doesn’t display the particles in the render :frowning:

Strange, I rate you put this in the tracker, it seems more like an old bug than anything else, well we hope

Just to let all know, this bug has been fixed. Posted a bug and jahka got on it and fixed. Latest svn compiles work ok now.

^Dude you rock!!
I was literally in the process of loading the bug myself and I see you’ve done it for me. So awesome :smiley:

Thank you AIBlender!

Hi Andrew,

sorry did not read the reply from AIBlender and could not delete my reply here.