Problem with Adaptive Subdivision: Crashes

Hello. having trouble with displacement in shader tab.

I am on Mac Mini M1, latest OS, Blender 3.1.2

I setup a small mesh plane, add a quixel dirt surface material. Hook up all the shader nodes. I add displacement image texture to displacement in material output node. I subdivide and add the adaptive subdivision.

So far so good. In Texture tab Settings, Option, i select Displacement and Bump.

It is unstable, it crashes.

What is the common denominator problem? My ram usage is around 4gigs out of 16. What should I be watching out for. I dont have Ram crashes with anything else. thanks

The official documentation has a few insights on those limitations:

As it also states, the Adaptive Subdivision modifier is fairly new and still in a experimental stage.

Hi yea, i read it. I managed to get adaptive subd in fairly stable shape by keeping the dicing to a 2px render 8 viewport, which limits the ram usage to 4gigs for this ground displacement. I feel like 3.2 is more stable. also seems like subdividing in edit mode, before applying the modifier with adaptive subd–helps. But i could be wrong in my testing stability on this difference alone. I noticed not many people on discord have an idea about this feature, even though Blender Guru first introduced this new feature like 4 years ago as the game changer vis-a-vis Vray. I wonder if this is going to be dealt in the near future. Would it be more safe to apply in geometry nodes? Or any other workaround, a setting to avoid to get it to be more stable?

I’m not an expert on geometry nodes, but I do know that maintaining good performance would depend on which instancing type for your geometry nodes.

Other then the ones already listed in the documentation, not that I know of personally.