problem with add two chanell from textures in mat nodes

Hi! im trying to add two chanells (R B) and get a white image, but i get that weird halo

every pixel in the image is R + B = 1, so i dont understand why i get that border

here is the original png image:

this is an experiment for do something else later

im doing something wrong?


I’ll forego the explanation, but you can correct this by setting the color space to linear from sRGB in the texture context of the properties panel.

To be honest, I used to know exactly why but it has been a while!


didnt work with linear but with RAW

and someone knows how can i bake this node generated texture into one vertex color chanell in the mesh? (obviously assuming the texture isnt full white this time and grayscale)

ow, the bake tools has a “bake to vertex” option, and i can put a combine node with only a red chanell input :slight_smile:
soo, solved.

Thanks howtoblend!