I’ve got a BIG problem (maybe its simple but i’m a noob) when im trying yo animate the armature all bones with a parent is just standing still, THEY DOES’NT MOVE! Even if everything is working in the IPO curve. What am i doing wrong? Can somebody please help?
Sounds like you’re in edit mode. With the armature selected, You can hit Tab to toggle into Pose Mode. Pose Mode is where animation of the armature takes place. Edit Mode is only where you adjust the initial position of the armature.
You can also Toggle from Modes Via the drop down menu selector found at the bottom of the 3d viewport.
Here’s a great chapter from a tutorial on character animation that might be useful. It talks about setting up the armature for a simple rig:
If you get time, check out the whole tutorial, I found it very useful when I was first learning about character animation.
Hope this helps!
I know how to pose the character but it’s when i’m trying to make an animation everything goes wrong. But thanks for the help.
Sry, but that’s just my initial response when I hear newb :D. Though your description of the issue is somewhat vague and confusing… How were you able to establish your ipo curves if your armature isn’t transforming properly? And what do you mean by all the bones with a parent don’t move? Do you mean to say all the children of the bone you are moving don’t move? Or do you literally mean that every bone in armature that has a parent relationship defined is locked in place?
Perhaps you could put a link to the .blend file for a further look, or simply describe the situation a little more thoroughly:rolleyes:
Well, it’s like the second example, every bone in armature that has a parent relationship defined is locked in place. I tried to “undefine” a parent and then everything worked. But then you lose a big part of the idea.
Sorry but I still don’t really understand the question. I think you’ll need to give a lot more information about what you’ve parented to what and why - and what you want it to do? Have you moved bones and keyframed them but they don’t move when you press Alt-A? Or can’t you even move them in Pose Mode any more? Or something else?
Maybe post some screenshots or a blend file (with the problem in it).
There is not much to tell, cause i get the same problem every time I’m trying to animate armature. The only thing i want to do right now is to make any armature with a parent defined move, after that I can start making an real animation (you have to know how to move your legs before you can start running).
Yes I have moved bones and keyframed them but they don’t move when I press Alt-A.
I maybe know what the problem is.
I don’t use actions could this have something to do with it?
I’m just selecting the armature and then I go to animation, after that I select a bone and make an IPO curve.
Here are som images.
Sorry but most of what you’re saying just doesn’t make much sense. I can’t work out from your images what exactly you’re trying to do. I can’t even see what’s supposed to change from picture 4 to picture 5?
(But you do have Vertex Groups and Envelopes both selected which isn’t good and your mesh seems excessively heavy on polys for such a simple shape.)
I know you said you know how to pose but do you know how to animate poses? I think you’re missing something important so I can only suggest you go back and do the character animation tutorial in the BSoD wiki and see if you can work out what you’re doing wrong.
OR… Please tell us exactly one thing that you want to do with one bone? What do you mean by a “parent defined move” - are you sure you don’t mean an IK constraint - where you move something to make a bone follow it?
Can you pose the bone without keying it? Select a bone, press R, and move the bone. Does that do anything?
Basically animation works by keying the bone in one position with I, going to a different frame, changing the bone’s position, and pressing I again.
You seem to be keying only loc. In a case like this you should at least be keying loc and rot, since it’s the rotation you’re interested in. But I have to admit that I don’t at all understand the problem here. I agree with AndyD that you probably want to start with the Summer of Docs tutorial.
Thanks to you bugman_2000, IT WORKS!!!
Suddenly I get it! I tried to change the location of the bones, but when you’re animating you have to change the rotation!!(Changing the location works when you’re modelling) (I’ve been such a fool, fool, fool, fool:o )
Thanks everybody and I’m sorry for the “time stealing”:o :o
(bugman_2000 you helped me when you said: "You seem to be keying only loc. In a case like this you should at least be keying loc and rot, since it’s the rotation you’re interested in.)