Problem with applying some modifiers to Space Corridor project ( Tutorial by Andrew P

Hello everyone

I have come across a problem while trying to add a floor and ceiling to my corridor mesh, Andrew does this on the video by pressing ctrl+j to add the plane mesh to the array of the corridor. When he does it the plane mesh creates the floor and ceiling instead of having to duplicate a plane square and putting them next to each other. When I do ctrl+j it does this, but it creates huge gaps in the array and the floor + ceiling is also spread out in a long line. I will attach the blend file as it’s hard to explain :smiley:

In the blend file, select both the floor plane and the corridor walls, then press ctrl+j for the result I"m getting.

Please help :slight_smile:


Space Corridor.blend (511 KB)

The plane is no where near the origin of the arrayed mesh so you are not arraying it as you want and the size of the joined mesh is changing hence the offset will be messed up

Loot at the mesh without the array modifier and add the plane to that so it looks correct

Thank you so much !!!
Got it to work, thank you for the fix :slight_smile: