I’m using Blender from a few time, and was working on a project with the game engine when I got stuck. The problem is: the mesh I assigned the armature to is deformed regularly while in 3d viewport, but when I start the game engine the mesh isn’t deformed, keeping the pose of that frame where I left it but not moving, although the armature is performing the action I selected with the logic panel. No way I could get out of this, though I tried even to remove the armature as modifier telling the mesh to be parented to the armature as an armature in the object panel under “relations”. Still, it does nothing.
I put there the .blend as attachment. Hope you guys know what’s going on :eek:
Uh, in the same file I have another problem: of the two scenes that are there, I took the first and said in the game logic that if I press any key it changes to the second. It works, but when the game goes to the second the objects of that scene are invisible, or looking odd and shadeless, which doesn’t happen if enter the game directly from the second scene.
Thank you in advance!
game2.blend (823 KB)