I am having trouble using the Fit Type: Fit Curve option that the Array modifier has. Specifically, I am following a tutorial on how to make a baseball on blendercookie.com
In that tutorial, they first create a baseball object, and then a CurveCircle that follows the path that the stitches are laid out on a baseball.
Next they make a simple “stitch” object using a bezier curve. After that, they add an Array modifier to the stitch in order to repeat the stitch object so that the repeated stitches stretch out the length of the Curve Circle. I am having trouble using the Array modifier properly to repeat my simple stitch object.
The above image is taken from the tutorial video. In that picture, the stitch object has an Array modifier, using the “Fit Curve” Fit type and using the CurveCircle object as the Curve Object. You can see that the resulting effect makes a long string of stitches that repeat the length of the Curve Circle on the baseball. When I try to do this myself this is what I get:
The array modifier is not making enough copies of the Stitch object so that the stitch object extends the same length that the Curve Circle has ( the CurveCircle is the light gray object in the background). I am not sure if my Curve Circle has a problem with it or if there is something I need to do with the Stitches. Thanks for any help.