Problem with Blender and Yafray

Hello, I started to use a Yafray with blender and try to render simply sphere, I noticed a little problem with rendered image. There are a horizontal stipes on rendered sphere, but I don’t know how to set up render or blender scene to render this light smooth. Can somebody help me with this, or do you know some tutorial? I use Yable for export.

Thanks, Valda :slight_smile:

There is an ‘Autosmooth’ button in Yable material settings too.

Also, try to rise the samples of the Hemi


Thanks you, I try this before but I used default shader, when I change it to generic all is fine now.
I have one more little problem, the Render button in Yable doesn’t work, it give me error in console ‘cannot launch renderer’.
I use blender 2.23, is it possible to use Yable with 2.28c ?

Thanks, Valda :slight_smile:

Use this version of YableX. Works with 2.28. :smiley:

Works fine :smiley:
