Problem with extrusion

Hello, I’m completely new to Blender. Discoverted this cool proram about two weeks ago and now I’m spending pretty much time using it.

I am making a wall with space for a window and a door. So I decided to draw the basic wall shape with a ‘whole’ into it for the window and the door, and later extrude it so that it could look like a wall.

Here you can see my shape:

And now what’s the actual problem about. When I extrude I get some ‘shaded’ faces or I don’t know how to call them. When I render the newly created wall, I even get worse results. You can see:

And after rendering:

How can I make the surfaces of the wall look homogenous?

try CTRL+N

in edit mode while selecting all everything

I tried that, and was one of the first things I did after drawing the initial face and extruding.

Here is the blend file if this would help:

It happens if faces are smoothed.

Select everything and hit Set Solid, shoud get rid of your problem.

have fun!

Thank you so very much!! So simple solution! (Actually I don’t quite remember to have set smooth or something, but fact is it helped). :smiley: :smiley:


Youre wellcome!

Probably you didn`t smoothed it youreselfe.

Sometimes it just happens after you add or extrude something.
Sometimes the oposite happens if you going for the Organic look and have some solid faces.
Then you have to smooth some them.