I’m working on my first real model - a simple furry teddy dear modeled on my daughter’s favourite. I’ve also attempted my first simple rig on the bear as I’d like to make it dance.
As far as I can see everything is assigned correctly to the right bones, but when I move the head, the bear’s right eye moves differently to the rest of the head. The bear was modeled with a mirror modifier so the right eye should be the same as the left eye, which was the one I modeled. I don’t think I did anything to the right eye to make it different.
I know the model isn’t great and has some faults like fur growing through the eyes - like I say this is my first model so go easy on me I don’t need it to look faultless - but even my daughter will notice if one of the eyes detaches and goes off on it’s own.
I’ve had a scan through the forums for similar issues but couldn’t find anything. Like I say, I’m new to all this so I accept I just might not be looking for the right terminology. Any help on the eye would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve just realised that the file I uploaded didn’t have the mesh parented to the armature but it is complete in every other respect so I’ll not re-upload another file. Sorry about that.
Looks good! I think your daughter will love it! The eye problem is because the left calf bone has influence on the eye. Remove that influence and you should be fine :yes: You may want to remove the influence by manually removing the verts from the group to ensure they have no influence at all.
Just a tip for when you’re animating, you can disable the fur and subsurf for the 3D view to cut down on processing power. It will still render normally, and will speed up playback and also really make a difference when you are posing the bones. Just click the grid button on each modifier next to the name to do so.
Magic, thanks for that - it works like a charm now. I thought I’d been through all the groups but I clearly had a wee spot of blindness there.
Now for the (lengthy) posing process :eek: Thanks for the tip too - the subsurf seems to be OK left on and will help me with the posing I think, but turning off the fur has speeded things up no end.
I’ve now finished and I’ve given you a credit in the anim. If you’re interested, the result is a tribute to Evolution of Dance with a dancing Teddy, here: