Hi there!
First of all: many thanks to this great forum! I’ve been away from Blender since version 1.5 (found the old manual the other day, still very nice work!), but some weeks ago I got my hands back on Blender and I’ve got to admit: I love it! After dozens of hours reading and trying to get back into the interface I started my first project for our band, modelling and animating a stage with rig and light and so on… Just for fun!
And now I got my first big problem. I’ll try to describe as complete as possible even though I feel my English isn’t good enough:
I build a model of a stage part like this
and now I want to animate the mechanics. I set up the necessary bones and an empty as ik solver target for the left side of the stage module to give it a try (ok, it is definitely possible to animate this totally without an armature but I thought it could be a good point to start learning rigging and animating the rig with my own easy model). So far so good. When I move my empty everything moves “nearly” (some things are a little bit weird, maybe I get back to this later on) fine up and down. All I had to do was to set up the same for the right side. But I thought about trying something else first…
I thought it could be useful to set up a simple action to control those up and down movements on both sides simultanously by the rotation of a single empty working as an action constraint. So I went reading about actions…
After that I did that:
- split workspace, 3d view, action editor
- add new action, add 2nd new action, renamed 2nd one
- went to frame 1, put my ik solver target empty at the desired position, marked both bones of the ik chain, IKEY --> both bones showed up with actions in the action editor
- went to frame 21, put my empty to the second desired position, marked the bones again, IKEY --> the second key got inserted in the action editor
Then I created another empty, set this one up as target for both bones in an action constraint with the corresponding frame count, rotation axis and rotation angle. Turned the empty, nothing happened. After some time of trial and error I discovered that after setting up the action keys I had to delete the ik solver target to get this to work.
But I still don’t understand, why! Shouldn’t the bones move even if I don’t delete the solver target (shouldn’t even the target follow?). Or is it because the ik solver target empty isn’t animated, staying where it is and therefor “blocking” the action keys? And if that is so, could someone please update the documentation in the wiki ?
And another question: when I delete all references to the generated keys (with the
‘X’ button), save and reopen the file, the deleted keys still show up when click on the browse button (the button I can either choose an existing action or create a new one). Is this correct?
Perhaps some of you think “why is he doing this, could be done more easier” but I’d like to learn as much as possible and so sometimes I like to go for the more complex solution :o Additionally, the whole stage setup will be quite big with many different things to animate and so I want to get the single animation handling as comfortable as possible. Keep in mind, I am a Blender re-starter!
If necessary I can post the blend… I’m using ver 2.44
Many many thanks!