Problem with mesh (Quads and Tris) showing when rendering


I have an object that was imported as a vrml, and I applied a color and texture to it and it seems to be fine until I render it. The color and texture is present, but on half of the object, the objects mesh (Quads and Tris) show through the texture. Is there a button that I need to turn on?


Maybe try to select the object and go to F9 and then under link and materials there is a set smooth button on the lower right side of that section. try that and then render.


Thanks for the reply but set smooth and set solid doesn’t fix it. I’ve included a pic for clarity.



This might work - select object in object mode hit F9 and under modifier add subsurf

Or under add multires - add 2-3 levels and then apply

Between those two you should be able to smooth out your vases?

or in edit mode press ‘w’ and then select ‘set smooth’

I now have the same problem with some 3ds files.