Problem with mesh selection

Hello! I wonder if anyone had same problem as me. Usualy I have no problems with selecting objects in object mode with RMB in a viewport. But while i’am working on on particular PC, it gets weird, Blender selects absolutely random mesh when I press RMB, sometimes I need to isolate mesh on separate layer to be able to select it. Same happens in solid and wireframe mode. Rotation, location and scale are applied. This happens only with this PC, same .blend file works correctly on any other PC I use. Can someone give advice what can cause this problem?

Check you are using latest graphics drivers.
If using a NVidia graphics card try and disable antialiasing in the NVidia control panel

Thanks, i’ll check that. This pc have internal Intel graphics. I’ll try to find antialiasing here as well.

That didn’t worked unfortunately. Newest drivers and antialiasing is off.

User preferences -> system, try setting the selection method to one of the available instead of automatic.

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Thanks for advice! I’ll be able to try that only Monday morning tho, i’ll write here if it worked for me.

Open gl select is slower, but always works in my exp.

triple buffer is a good draw method balancing stability and speed.

That actually worked! Option “OpenGL Occlusion Queries” works just fine! Thanks so much, I can work comfortly again!