Problem with mocap tool

Hello there,

I have started to play around with the mocap tool and use and imported make human model.
I have already looked at several tutorials and the wiki but I’m new at mocap and am stuck on this problem for two days now.

Attached is the image I am stuck at.

I have retargeted the whole armature and also activated fix twist but it dos not make any differance.
I’ working with Blender 2.65 and make human 1.0 Alpha 7 and the rig from make human (also tried rigify similare problems).

I forgot sorry, The problems at the moment are the upper leg.

One more questions:
When I activate advanced retarget I will see apreview as it will look after retargeting?

Make sure the z axis of each bone in your rig lines up with the z axis of the bvh rig in pose mode. you can edit your rig in edit mode and adjust the bone roll in the properties panel so they are roughly lined up.

But first you may want to try changing the bone constraints to local space on the twisted bone after advanced retargeting.