Helpplease=).blend (937 KB)I had a nice, well not nice but sort of getting to be halfway semi- newbishly decent for an apprentice, game going, but now I’m trying to make the switch to 2.5 or 3.0 or whatever it’s called and it has a different affect. Whenever I try to play my character, (he has an armature to animate his walkcycle and jump and stuff like that), he’ll still move forward, and the armature still moves, but the actual mesh itself will no longer move with the armature. Any tips?
PS. I’m learning Python right now, but I’m still in the early stages of Python knowledge. I don’t exactly know how to use Python with blender, but I know how to write some basic scripts. When I learn how to use Python with Blender, am I going to have to delete all logic bricks and make it purely Python, or can I use a handy combination of Python and logic bricks? Because if I’m gonna have to wipe out all my bricks, I doubt any questions I’ve asked in the past week or two will matter. hehe
You can still use Python along with the logic bricks - you can use Python with the BGE using a Python controller, so there’s no need to completely destroy your logic set-up once you feel confident with Python. But I’m gonna tell you now - Python’s pretty awesome. Once you grab the snake, I don’t know if you’ll be able to let go! LOL
Oh sorry, I got a bit side-tracked with the question. haha So do you have any idea about the first paragraph’s question for while I’m still not too skilled-- Ooh SNAKE. hahahahahaha I get it! I literally just lol’d— with python?
Heheh - well, as to the first question, are you sure that you parented the mesh to the armature? There’s an armature modifier in your modifier stack making your mesh animate with the armature correctly, so your setup sounds fine, so it should only be a parenting issue.
Sounds like you’ve got a bad loop going in parenting. Set it up like this:
Mesh parented to > armature, parented to > collision bounds, and perform gravity and logic on the bounds object. The armature will follow along, and the mesh will deform, as its parent is the armature.
Well, you shouldn’t be having that error if it’s parented correctly. As for the problem, well, I’m not really sure why it would only give a problem with 2.5. Perhaps you should append the individual items into a blank scene, and try reparenting everything and checking that it works alright.
Make a simple mesh and parent it to the armature. Set up the simple mesh (cube) to deform with the armature. Is it animating?
Move the armature via a simple logic brick combo. Is the mesh following?
Parent the armature to a cube. Move the cube in-game - is the armature following?
Hopefully you can find the problem, because I don’t really know of anything that could be the problem. Are you using the newest Blender (2.57)?