Problem with old computer

I have an old pc with pentium 2 mmx,64 mb SDRAM @ 133 Mhz,Gfx:Tnt 4mb
6Gb hard disk

I added the Ram because myself the man that gave me the system had removed it.
Well here is the problem
When I turn it on and I have the keyboard connected the bios appears (without pressing any button !!! :o) and it selects an option randomly.After that the only buttons that work are the left arrow and the classic ones F1,F10… so I can do almost nothing with the bios.This reapets every time I turn it on with the keyboard connected and as a result it can not load the operating system .When I disconnect the keyboard the bios does not appear and I get this message “Unkown Flash Found” and after that the system halts. What can I do to fix this ?

p.s sorry for my bad english

i have no idea why you want to run a pc that old but thats ok try removing the Battery from the motherb- this should help clear the mem, if that dont work scrap it.

Well I expected that someone would post that :stuck_out_tongue:

The answer is that I want to make a small network so that I can do some tests about network programming and some other things …

Also I don’t think that removing the battery is going to make things better but I’ll give it a try

try setting reset to default from in the bios, if you can still move enough. have you tried a different keyboard?
it sounds like the keyboard is haywire and is sending out signals that arent there

I reseted from the bios and it didn’t work .However I have not tested a different keyboard

Try removing everything except the motherboard, cpu and power supply.

Then slowly add stuff till the problem occurs.

Also make sure that you have the correct ram and that it is seated properly in the slot.

Definitely sounds like a bad keyboard. By the way, what’s the operating system?

It was a bad keyboard :slight_smile:
I have installed damn small linux and I want to install windows xp(they work even with cpus @ 133Mhz !).However during the installation of windows xp the installer sets the windows partition as the partition that the pc will boot from(although the partition that I had set as bootable was the linux one.I have installed grub there.).How can make the linux partition bootable again without seting up new partitions ?

Well I got fed up with windows and damn small linux so I installed Mandrake
Linux 9.2 with KDE.
I don’t have much experience with linux so here is a very noobish question:
How can I add shortcuts of programs to the desktop ?

I dunno about KDE, in Gnome you could right-click on the desktop and hit “Create Launcher” or “Create Shortcut” or something like that… I’m guessing KDE has simething similar… I haven’t used a desktop environment in a while…

If all else fails you can proably open up a terminal and run

ln -s /usr/bin/blender ~/Desktop/Blender

or something like that… but one would assume there’s a feature in the GUI to do it for you.

BTW, with Windows and such, it’s best to install Windows first - most Linux distros will detect Windows and automagically set up the bootloader for dual-booting. If you need to install Windows second, then I suggest getting yourself a Knoppix CD, so you can go in and change the boot partition with fdisk and set up the MBR with grub-install. Knoppix is a good thing to have on-hand anyways, it’s saved me once when I’ve had a dead bootloader.