Problem with screen layout. Objects not showing

I’ve started this blender file and after a while of modelling and trying to render, it wouldn’t render. then I thought maybe I’ll change the screen layout to default and when I did that most of my modelling disappeared.

The items are showing on the hierarchybut not on the scene itself.

Help please

blender help.blend (835 KB)

Something has happened to camera and lamps. I deleted those from the outliner (right click -> delete) and added them again.

But there are more objects that are meant to be on the scene. could be a bug in the program maybe

All of the stuff that is not visible apparently is not in any layer. Select them in the outliner and move them back to layer 1 and they become visible. I don’t know how you managed to move them out of every single layer. Maybe you’re using some odd layer management addon that I’ve never seen? Anyway, you can’t move them with the M key as you normally could. You have to select them in the outliner and then go to the object data tab in the properties window and click on the first layer there. Your dude will be sitting on his toilet again in no time.

Thanks a lot! I actually am not using any addon but not sure what happened. The blender version is a little outdated so maybe there was a bug in this blender

Yeah, that seems to be the case. You could move them easily back to some scene layer with Python.

Writing this in the python console (shift+F4) moves everything to the first layer:

for obj in C.scene.objects:
    obj.layers[0] = True