Problem with Smooth Subdivision

How can I remove that crap of my beautifull alien face :frowning: ?

"Set Smooth’ bottom left of the edit buttons. Don’t use ‘Subdivide Smooth’ as you have in your title unless you want to double the vertice count.


Try removing doubles - it looks like what I’m guessing are the front and the sides aren’t actually connected - that’s why you have that pointed look.

Nothing happens… :expressionless:

First try removing doubles, then select everything “A” and Recalculate normals to point out “CTRL-N.”

you should have used alt+c to convert the subsurf to a mesh instead of ordinary subdivision.converting subsurf to a mesh always results in a better mesh than just subdividing it.

it seem there is alot of triangles in there…subsurf do not like triangles, try using “square” :wink:

Oof :expressionless:
Thanks! Next time I’ll use the SubSurf instead of Smooth Subdivision… %|

I don’t think I’ve ever used subdivide smooth, other than to experiment with it. Do yourself a favour; if you want to subdivide use ‘Subdivide’, if you want to smooth use ‘Set Smooth’. If you want to know what all the buttons do before you make mistakes go to and get the manual.


Subdivide smooth does make sense for curved object.

Simple subdivision will only increase the vertex count without making the model smoother.

Smooth (with or without sudivision) easily can distort the model or reduce details.

Subdivide smooth is able to smooth the model without distortion or lost of detail.

Subsurface is not allways an option.

But like every special function there are special applications and one has to experiment with it before using it for an important model. I learned to save before doing any critical operation meanwhile. :-?