Problem with some shortcuts in Blender 2.9

I don’t know what’s the reason, but it’s really frustrating.
Some shorcuts on my Logitech keyboard (haven’t checked on other keyboards yet) just don’t function properly. So right now I have this problem with L in Edit Mode - it should give me some selection options, and in Preferences this shortcut is active. Unfortunately, when I press L nothing happens.
Any ideas why??
It’s not the first time I have a problem with shortcuts, but earlier I’ve just found the right option in menu and I’m not sure what shortcut it was exactly. Now this :frowning:
Thanks in advance.

L in edit mode will select mesh that is under the cursor it is using the function Select Linked…it does give options in the Lower Left Pop-up…but they are specific to Select-Linked…

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Many thanks for your answer, I think I’d check this option again.

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