Hello all. New here.
Anyways, I have watched a tutorial for some guy using drivers to rig tank tracks and wheels:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LovMyPoW6Ko (Skip to 8:20 for rigging part)
I did what he did, it was all cool. I scrolled down to comments to find this picture:
So yes. The problem is the guy showed how to make tracks and wheels move when tank is moving on a 1 direction of the y. If it goes to the other it will moonwalk.
Let’s clear this more for who didn’t get it. When I move my tank to the right side of the Y axis, which is I think the positive/plus side, it will move either good or not depending on if you did *-1 or not in the drivers like how Banthed did (The video guy) So it looks like he was moving it into the negative side of Y axis (Or plus?) I don’t know it just that he put *-1 in the equation so it will move correctly into the direction he wants. But if he will move to the other direction, it will moonwalk. BUT if he didn’t put *-1 and moved to the other direction, it will move well.
By the way, you have to rotate on Z axis by 180 to move to either directions of Y axis to see this problem happening.
So anyway on how to fix this? I tried to play with the drivers a bit but couldn’t get it. Thanks in advance.