Hi i have a problem with adding textures, i cannot add any textures, i have blender 2.27 . i change graphic driver graphic (gf440) and give nothing. i have winme but the same was in win98. When i plug “load image”,select some texture and click “ok” - i have no textures on the object. Is there some bug or something. Sorry for my english languages:) i am east europe:)
no it is not a bug, but it may be unclear. You have to apply your image to your object, not just load it.
To give an image texture to an object (for the game engine) the process is as follows:
load image from load button in image window
select your object
enter face select mode with the [F] key
select all of the faces [a]
in the image buttons choose your texture that you loaded.
for use in rendering the process is different:
load image from load button in image window
select your object
add a material (if necescary) and select the desired texture channel
enter the texture buttons and add an image texture
using the [-] button (not key, it is on the interface) choose your texture
- other steps are needed if you want to be picky about where the image will go but it is outside of the scope of this post
Thx for answering me, but i think my problem is more complicated. I do the same things in linux and its working - on windows it’s not working.
how is it not working, how does it fail.
If you are trying to use a texture from a file you created in linux by loading the .blend in windows it will not work because blender stores the location of the image, not the image itself in the .blend file.
To do that you need to pack the textures. It is in the tools meun on the header of the info buttons (at the top of your window)
No you dont understand me:) I mean i can add textures from (ex.*.jpg) file to object(ex cube) in Linux, but i cannot do this(add *.jpg) in win98 or me. Just textures dont appear in this little black window (preview).
What happens if you type in the path of the picture in the “texture name” button (the very long one) or when you use the “load image - file view” button (the very small one)
This probably sounds very stupid, but did you select the image with LMB ?
I’m asking because I never had this problem in win98.
Its nothing happend:) texture path doesnt exist.
Yes i select textures LMB i wrote in last post. Two systems and one dont work (mean add textures). I think i stay with linux.
Thx for answering me.
Try changing your display settings from 16 to 32 bits or the other way round. It sounds like a windows problem, not Blender.
dont work
This is a strange thing, :-? so it affords strange questions %|
What do you mean by "texture path doesn’t exist "?
Could you post a screen shot, though I don’t know if it helps.
(I used blender 2.23-2.28 on an old crappy win98 comp without any such problem ever, except that the image browser is very slow at times.)
Do you use network path to texture file? Simillar thing happened to me, when I loaded texture file located on network using \computer\dir… exture.jpg path. When I mapped network drive to directory, problem was solved.
I think i’ll make a guess about the “texture path doesn’t exist” error
go to the info buttons (the window hidden at the top of the screen) and have a look for an option labelled “texture path” or something similar.
see if it has a unix-style path in it
hmm i use textures from disk D:/… not from network. Anyway i will be use blender in Linux. thx for all repons.
I believe there was some mention in the release notes for 2.28 that it had fixed a previous bug that occurred with loading textures into Windows apps.
2.28 seems to be great anyway, so I’d try it.