i dont understand what i have to do to make the object at uv mapping look like the one in the picture. the picture is from a tutorial and it should look like that after i did the transfer data, but it doesnt, it looks like the faces of the cloth are separately instead of being connected.
in the tutorial says to transfer data from the cloth to the mesh, put 2 uv maps called uv_0 and uv_1, check face corner data and face data and at uvs to change both layer section and mapping to uv_1 and it should look like the pic, the cloth to be connected so to say. but it didnt work, nothing changed.
Usually when following any tutorial someone may double check the version and also maybe have a look at the comments… (expect when almost nobody have watched it…)… because if the tutor missed something ther will be plenty of questions…
Also: maybe when you give some reference (link) to the tutorial (and possible position) someone might be able to give you some hint in the older 2.79 version… !?
( In fact i do have this version installed on one of my machines… )