Problem with wind animation

Hello guys,

I created some palm models and created a 120 frames looped wind animation in a software called SpeedTree. I imported the models to Blender and the wind animation is there, but only for the 120 frames, after which the animation just stops.

There are no keyframes, no animation signs, no nothing about the animation in any of the animation tabs in Blender, so I’m totally confused on what should I do.

What can be done here? I would be extremely grateful for any help


maybe you can share the blend file so we can check it out?

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Try to disable this option in the graph editor:

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MeshSequenceCache 수정자 설정을 확인 해보세요

-Adds modifications-

I checked with animation with 60 frames and it works fine.


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Brooo this is it! Thank you so much!!! It’s working now!:slight_smile:

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I tried this earlier but it wasn’t it unfortunately:( but thank you for your help! @oo_1942 had the right solution :slight_smile:

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Sorrry for the late reply, it was 6am where I live and I fell asleep:( But thank you for trying to help, I appreciate it. Fortunately, @oo_1942 had the solution :slight_smile: