Hi i´m just a newbie working with blender.
I imported an vrml file from Sprirt to make a 3dwalkthrough. The problem i encounter is that some of the faces show black if i make them sensibel to light. I did find out that i have to flip the faces to fix the Problem. But i do find myself in front of a hell lot of faces to flip. And i´m wondering if i´m doing something wrong in appending my vrml files. Or if there is an easier (faster) way to flip all faces.
Actually, i tried to rcalc them. What happens is that the ones being ok are now showing black. If i do select them all all of my faces flips around also the on which are ok. And they go black.
Ok I tried, didn´t work either semms taht I will have to do it Faces by faces. I would like to add my work so everybody can try but if I compress it it´s still a 20 MB file and i don´t know how to attach files in that chat.
Have u try one part of the model head etc. 6-15 time ctrl-n cause i have this problem before and it works but i need to do the ctrl-n many time in a part till all normal fix…hmmm :-?
Go into edit mode (TAB), select all vertices (A Key) and do CTRL+N to recalc all faces outside, no matter what direction they’re facing at the moment. It shouldn’t be any harder than that.