Problems in Windows XP Home edition

I’ve been a long time blender user. I bought the 2.0 guide a couple years ago. I’ve done a ton of little side projects in my time using blender on my computer. I usualy switch on and off with the things i do in my spare time, one month it may be a perticular game, Other times it could be participating in Photoshop Contests. And alot of my freetime was spent figuring the ins and outs of Blender, and trying to get the best out of it(which was quite a bit, for a peice of FREE software :slight_smile: ). I’ve just gotten back into my 3D hobbies, but i’m a little frustrated with what i’ve found out. Blender runs extremely slow under windows XP. I’ve already tried configuring my compatability settings with the blender program(mildly though) to see if it runs faster, but i haven’t had much luck. I wish there was some way i could get it running smoothly on my machine like it used to. Anyone have any advice? Thanks.


have you try updating the drivers of your 3D Graphic Card?


I am sure this not a problem of XP. I am using XP Home as well and I never experienced any problems (regarding this :smiley: )
It would be helpful to know what kind of machine you have. I found out that Blender runs extremely slow on some older ATI cards, but I guess you all know that already…

I had random problem with 2.26 in XP, the cpu usage would go WAY up after 2 or 3 hours of modeling, even if I was working on low-poly models. I found that 2.25 or 2.27 both worked better, but if your already using one of these, then this post is irrelevent (-: