Was wondering if anybody could shed some light on the problem I am having right now. I am creating a piece of animation whereby three tall blocks standing side by side would topple over and break apart into several shards.
How I was trying to achieve this is by doing a hand-animated topple of the blocks (I hand-animated it so that I can control the positional shearing of the blocks), and then as they hit the ground, I swap the frames in edit with a version of the blocks that are pre-shattered that would break on impact with the ground via the physics engine.
Now the problem is that, in the second animation segment using physics, I shattered the blocks by using a plane that has a displacement modifier. I would shove that plane into sections of the blocks, and hit W to use the boolean tools and difference. Then I would flip normals on that plane and get the other side. I did this multiple times on the blocks. Then I chucked the plane, and ran the physics and it did fine, shattering as I wanted it.
The problem starts when I record to IPO. The physics would play back, then when I go back to IPO for keyframed animation playback, all the shards are sticking together! Please help! I’ve attached a picture of the blocks. I get the feeling the problem has something to do with the shattering technique and the blocks are linked somehow.
Thanks in advance