Problems Saving as JPEG

Hey, new to Blender. So heres my question.

Anyways, after rendering my object I set the ‘Save Image As’ to JPEG from the default file type of Targa. Then I hit F3 to ‘Save Image’, give the file a name and hit ‘Save as JPEG’. However when I go into the directory I saved it in, its not saved as JPEG.

Any help is appreciated.

I have Blender 2.26 by the way.

do you mean it cant be opened, or does it not have the “.jpg” at the end?

you need to give the file it’s extension yourself, else it will just become a “file”. So name your image ‘picture.jpg’ instead and it will show properly.

Yes, Blender does not add an extension


im pretty sure theres an “add extension” button or something to that effect on the render menu…

Yes there is, but it does not add the extension to a file saved with F3.

That only affects file saved through the Anim button.


even if there is no extension blender still shows the thumbnail in thumbnail view and blender can still use the image properly.

So, is there a way to make it add extensions?
(not that i mind typing it out :stuck_out_tongue: )

Ah, that did the trick.

Gracias. :slight_smile:

By the way, is there anyway to scroll up/down to view different areas at that zoom %, or can you only zoom out?