Problems viewing scores in published game

Hi everyone,
As you will probably quess by reading this post I am a newbie to GE.
My problem is that I have created a little football (soccer) game. I have used the message actuator to add 1 to the value of the score when a goal is scored for which I have used the debug to show on screen. The score board is on another scene so when you score a goal and the game resets, the score stays. This all works fine until I published the game and played the .exe file and the score board did’nt show up. :frowning:
I know there is probably a really simple answer but I am a newbie…
I would be grateful for any help.

Does it work as a regular .blend file?
Are both scenes loaded at the same time and showing? ie: game scene, score scene (overlayed on top of game scene).

Otherwise I can’t think of what the problem might be off the top of my head.

Please post a file, if possible.

Jason Lin

are you using a .psd picture file for text? If so, use a .tga (targa)

Thanks for the replys. To answer both those replys… I am using targa already:) and the scoring works fine in blender (pressing P) however when viewing it in the .exe file the score does not show up.
I am going to try it on another PC as the one that I am using at the mo is Pentium 2 (LOL) It might just be that my PC can’t cope.