The problem is that I cannot get the “wire” to move with the bones, as I like it to. In the first picture you can see the 2 points it have to be connected to (they are shown with rings around them). Then if you look at the next picture, you can see that the “wire” doesn’t follow the bones.
I simply cannot understand why it doesn’t work, so I ask for help. In the shown rig, I have weighted the “wire” to the bones, wicht it should follow.
PS: I have uploaded the file if someone want to look at it.
i usually parent bezier points as a hook on regular objects. it helps but is not entirely accurate (which is one of the reasons why most of my robotic characters don’t have wires).
Thanks for the suggestion, and I have tried to look at beziers, but I cannot find out how to use them within my rig. This realy bugs me.
I have looked at the model and found out that the wire also follows the foot (marked with the cirkel). This I do not understand, because I haven’t given it any waight to the bone.
I’m making this reply to make a deeper explanation of my problem.
The first 2 images show the that the way I’m making the rig for the wire, works. I have made it by weight painting.
In the pictures with b, c and d in there names, I show some bones that apparently are connected to the wire. This really confuse me, because if I look in the weight paint mode, then these bone shouldn’t have any weight assinged to the wire.
Rigging this the way you have is no problem, even much more complex things can be done.
See attached Blend. Something is wrong with your workflow, not sure what, but I deleted all the vertex groups that were not needed in the object, disabled the armature modifier, and parented it correctly to the armature, not the object. Look at the parent of the wire in the object panel, see that it is set to type armature, not object. Theoretically it should work either way, not exactly sure whats been mucked up here, but it is fixed now anyhow. BTW, questions like this belong in the support forum.