Problems with audio in 64 bit Blender 2.5

Has anyone experienced this audio problem?

I have a 64 bit laptop with Blender 2.55 64 bit installed. When I bring an AVI file into the sequencer, the audio does not play. However, on the same machine, I also installed the 32 bit version, and the audio plays and scrubs just fine.

So, what’s up? Is this a bug, or is there something I am missing?

Have you checked User Preferences > System? SDL tends to be turned off, for me at least, by default so I need to activate it first before I can play any sounds. I’ve also noticed that if I turn it on I need to reload the scene before I attempt to play a sound or Blender will crash.

I’m also on 64-bit. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Denny. Turning on SDL gets me closer. I can now hear the sound right after bringing the AVI file to the sequencer, but that’s the only time. It crashes after that. I’m not sure how to reload a scene. I’ve been clicking on the SCENE box at the top, and pressing Return.

At any rate, I’m bringing a series of AVI files to edit.