Problems with Blender and Linux

Hi all!

It seems that there’s an issue with Linux (Kernel 2.4.19), NVidia based graphic cards (TNT2 Pro) with the latest NVidia driver (1.0-3123) and Blender Publisher.
Sometimes the 3D cursur appears as a white, interrupted circle. Or an object disapears and is only visible when I rotate it. Or I move one part of my scene to the 2nd layer. When I then want to see both layers by pressing the layer buttons one and two, only the objects in the first layer are visible.
Do anybody observe this behavior, too?


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yep…same probs here, when i’m on wmaker. try it in gnome…worked for me. this prob showed up after i switched to rh 8 (bluecurve is horrible anyway…) btw any libstd++ dep problems???
good luck :wink: