I’m trying to model soda can and i’m now making that flip thing where than can be opened.
I tried to first make metaball and then convert it to mesh, then i maked that looks good and now i need to do these holes. I thought it is easier to make them with boolean operations but when i try to run boolean operation it will not work.
First i modelled these holes with path then i converted them to mesh and maked extrude.
Then i maked boolean operation with difference mode and it don’t cut that hole how i can solve this problem?
Are the objects actually interesecting each other - it’s hard to tell from the images you’ve provided. Because, if the don’t, how is a boolean operation supposed to work
But anyway, why do you want to use Booleans really? It may look easy at first sight but I’m not sure if that is actually the case. Boolean operations on meshes will most likely produce messy results which is not what you want - it can cause rendering problems and isn’t good for texturing either. It is probably better to do it manually - with some references and patience it won’t be that bad, I’d say. And you’ll definitely learn more from that method
Booleans are not friendly in Blender. You’ll probably find it much easier to use Curves. http://uploader.polorix.net//files/111/BezTop.blend
Just three Bezier Circles all added in Edit mode and the smaller ones scaled down. Click Extrude once and convert to Mesh.
First i need to make this action to mesh and second i’m not sure did you understand right. I mean these edges wich are in example cube i want these “edges” like metaballs. Hopefully you undestand .
Spin used to have a Soda Can tutorial posted, but it was taken down and so far he’s ignored my PMs asking him what happened to it. I still have the pull tab template and bumpmap that I used in the tutorial if you want it. The render I did is located in this thread…