problems with camera

i downloaded the .blend file of the character animation tutorial from BSOD (the one that’s supposed to replace GUS)… i applied the mirror modifier, removed the subsurf, and rigged the character… now, i’m having problems with the camera… it’s behaving strangely…

here’s my .blend file, and you’ll understand what I mean… maybe this is just a newbie mistake, but please bear with me… thanks!

Try to fit the rectangles within your camera window by zooming in or out (mouse scroll button).

I am having the same problem as yokibitz has had with a very strange thing happening to the camera after having done the rigging part of the BSoD Animation tutorial. Monsters reply doesn’t seem to work or maybe I don’t understand…

Rigging… yup… BIG problem in 2.43. I have the same problem… if you delete your rig (armeture) then it should appear again… not sure why though… if anybody finds the problem/solution to this, please say it. There is something mystic about this. :stuck_out_tongue: The problem is at least with the armeture somehow, the second you delete it you can follow your character again…


please disregard above question… I tried to delete it…

the answer thondal is that I had made the active object the camera. Ctrl num0 To fix it you activate the real camera and do Ctrl num0.

ok… sorry, then i think i must have misunderstood the question… anywais, still there is a problem with the armetures and the camera together with the BGE in 2.43 imho.
