i downloaded the .blend file of the character animation tutorial from BSOD (the one that’s supposed to replace GUS)… i applied the mirror modifier, removed the subsurf, and rigged the character… now, i’m having problems with the camera… it’s behaving strangely…
here’s my .blend file, and you’ll understand what I mean… maybe this is just a newbie mistake, but please bear with me… thanks!
I am having the same problem as yokibitz has had with a very strange thing happening to the camera after having done the rigging part of the BSoD Animation tutorial. Monsters reply doesn’t seem to work or maybe I don’t understand…
Rigging… yup… BIG problem in 2.43. I have the same problem… if you delete your rig (armeture) then it should appear again… not sure why though… if anybody finds the problem/solution to this, please say it. There is something mystic about this. The problem is at least with the armeture somehow, the second you delete it you can follow your character again…
ok… sorry, then i think i must have misunderstood the question… anywais, still there is a problem with the armetures and the camera together with the BGE in 2.43 imho.