Problems with crushes--I suck

Yes, I suck. Sllluuuurrrppp… sllluuurrppp… (“Clerks”)

Okay, here’s the thing: I have crushes at school. This wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for a few things:

  1. I don’t like social actions like “talking;”
  2. I go to junior high, the 7th level of hell, and I’m seperated from girls I like;
  3. I have crushes on an approximate 17,576 girls (I love that number);
  4. I’m a total geek who enjoys antisocial behavior such as acting snobbish/sarcastic, reading the book/screenplays of “Fight Club,” and posting useless threads on online forums.

I’ve tried multiple methods (i.e. using Blender’s game engine to randomly select one, pros-and-cons), but nothing seems to work out, because I keep thinking about all the girls I like.

For example, I’ve told you guys about a girl I keep calling “April” for no reason but to protect her. (For those that don’t know, I saw her with another guy, who I think is better for her than I am.) I’ve fallen back into love with her, but not only does she not know, I can’t stop thinking about other girls such as… I’m not going to tell you their names to protect the innocent. One girl keeps appearing in my imagination when I read this one book, another bunch of girls have my divided attention in certain classes for “special” kids (not Special Ed, though), another girl I see at lunch, another I keep wanting to see, another I don’t see in classes anymore, another I think is all wrong for me (but I can’t stop liking her anyway), another I blah blah blah blah blah… that’s how I sound, right? I know.

What should I do? Again, randomness and pros-and-cons don’t work, and I hate social behavior, so what should I do?

gbhvvgbfghbvtybnhnhbj (banging head against keyboard) yght bv gfm jnkgvbf bnhgbyv fgjmnk bhbn jbvg n bhnbj bgv… (does this for 227 screens)

Cubefan, I’ll be blunt. You’re screwed.
If you have to ask us, you’re doomed anyway.

Your Problems strangly resemble mine cube. And now you know you’re screwed! :frowning:

like me. apart from fancying all the girls as most of the ones at my school are minging

Scotland, did you jst say you don’t fancy girls??!!

Cubefan, i feel your pain. When it comes to girls and social behavior i REALLY suck. I guess i’m a total geek, but there seems to be a lot of girls that like ME. The only problem is that guys are usually supposed to ask the girls out… and with me i have NO clue on how to do that. I get skittish when i say hi to one of them, i could never ask one out.

It’s the end of the school year anyways, so i’m not sure if now would be the best time to ask. I hope i can get my confidence up next year.


You are so lucky. If there are girls that you KNOW really like you that’s like a free girlfriend, you barely have to flirt.

ok guys…i “had” that problem(not anymore! :wink: LOL)… i mean,i like a lot of girls and that’s not a problem.the problem is when you are afraid to talk to them or don’t like to talk like cubefan said.come on dare to do something,maybe you can show some of them the best part of you,something you are really good at.just act normal,be yourself,not like a geek,dork or anything and don’t imitate(spelling???LOL)anybody either that makes you look ridiculous.JUST BE YOURSELF! LOL dare to talk cause probably she’s not going to make the,find out what girls like and try to improve the way you look(something normal that you like,not ridiculous).that’s all the advice i can give,the rest is all up to you. :smiley:

I remember at school that I didn’t really get crushes (late developer I guess) though I got along with lotsa girls. In fact the more time I spent around friends who were girls, the more I realised all they did was have one crush after another. And once they realised they could talk to me about it they wouldn’t stop!.

Man, I started to think I wasn’t normal coz it wasn’t happening to me, so i picked the best looking girl I could find and that I hadn’t spent much time with and decided to proclaim my crush on her.

WHAT A FOOL, I had no Idea of the forces I was playing with here :wink: as the next thing I knew I couldn’t get this girl outa my head, totaly reptilian brain repsonses, adrenalin rush in her presence. Suddenly I was not in controll of how I felt and what frustrated me the most was that I didn’t really know this girl, you know, not enough to even decide to like nevermind anytyhing else.
I even started to resent her for having this “power” over me even though she had no idea I liked her! Eventually I confessed up to her, and the truth is she didn’t mind (of course that kinda thing is a compliment) and if I had had the confidence at the time maybe I could of created some kind of friendship based on reality instead of a fantasy based on hormones.

Ah I don’t know why I’m telling you this, maybe its to say don’t be hard on yourself, always go with your own opinions on people - not others, everyone wants to make friends afterall, and the more you focus on learning who they really are, the less self-consous you will feel.

I did become reasonable friends with her and see her around now and then - she even went out with my best mate a couple of years ago. The real girl turned out alot more likeable/interesting than the crush version. But guess what! She ain’t my type :slight_smile:

Um, acting like myself is not going to get me ANYWHERE. Sorry, but I don’t think they’d like the fact that I’m being sarcastic, making references to movies they’ve never heard of, and… well, look at the majority of my posts. Notice anything? Yes, that headache you’d get is from how psychotic I am.

Okay, here’s the thing, VK: Once I knew this girl named “Emily” (her real name) who liked me. I did think about her a lot, but then suddenly in the middle of PE one day I’m told by her friends (male ones, obviously) that if I don’t ask her out by the end of the day, she’d dump me! (This was a while back–“Simone” was just about the only good movie in theaters.) I didn’t, because she wasn’t in ANY of my classes (I only saw her at lunch), so that relationship went nowhere. WHAM! WHAM! That’s the sound of me banging my head against walls.

I know how that feels. It’s like on 24, where the bomb is about to explode… not that I know if there’s a bomb on it in the 2nd season. I don’t remember one on the first season.

Anyway, my problem is that some girls could be leaving for high school (10th grade here) next year, so waiting could cut me off. Most girls are in my age group, but some aren’t… especially one that sometimes acknowledges my existence.

“Minging?” Please explain that term, if you will. In fact, I couldn’t understand the whole post. What do you mean? Reword it in English.

Whiizzzzzz… (The sound of a drill screwing into my head. Not what you meant, but hey, I liked “Pi.”)

Well, thanks for helping… I guess…

Uurrkk!! (dead) (comes back to life to type in that he’s dead)

I know asking faceless guys on the Internet is hopeless, but at least it’s hope. That reminds me, I should watch my library copy of “The Shawshank Redemption,” that’s a good movie.

see? that kind of attitude is going to get you nowhere.TRY! is the only see,i’m not(and wasn’t when i was younger)Brad Pitt…but back then my brother said,“hey,why don’t you change your haircut”,then he gave me a few pointers LOL and i was changing little by little.Now the best way to “cheat” on the enemy is having a “spy”…what i mean is,if you want to find out what girls like and if a girl likes you is making friendship with a girl(it could be your own sister) and believe me,she will tell you very important things.that way i found out which girls liked me,then i could made my move without the risk of been rejected! :smiley: :smiley: but as i said,i can’t do it for you…you got to do it yourself.what else…well just act cool in front of girls,don’t get nervous.TRY! :smiley:

Try… try… try… try… try… try… try… try… try… try… try… try… try…

How do I do that? It seems hard.

you dont have to try. just be YOURSELF as they have stated. just do your thing and it will happen. like others here i used to be the NORMAL guy that all the girls talked to but never dated. then when i got out of high school i found out that all these girls had crushes on me. crazy world if only youd known then right. well i too like mavies that no chick in her right mind whould ever watch - most of which you have quoted from in other posts :slight_smile: to tell you the truth it doesnt matter. youll find someone who loves you for who you are and would do anything for you no matter what. despite your foul sense of humor, your unexplainable movies, you addiction to techtv :wink: hope you get my point here. just dont spend to much time annilyzing yourself! spend time getting to know the real people behind your fantasies… talk to them, help them on a subhect, say HI for god sakes :slight_smile:

This post is being written in a hurry since I have less than 20 minutes left tonight.

TechTV?! I don’t have that! Foul senses of humor are commonplace at my school… heck, they’re commonplace, period. You spelled “movies” wrong, BTW. (I don’t know if a girl would like it if I corrected her spelling way too much…) My taste in movies is a problem, albeit an unknown size of one. I’ll get back to that a little later in this post.

“Hi…” (acting idiotic) How do you

such a long word? (Okay, I’m done.) Someone who likes me unconditionally… that would be called a DOG, and a very common one at that. Heck, I’ve got two out of three that like me unconditionally (the other one is a girl, though–bad sign). A normal human being, though…

I know what you’re on about with the normal-guy-gets-hot-girl thing. I like this one girl who’s rather… well, let’s just say that she’s not very cute. However, I like her anyway. I don’t know why, I just do.

My likings in movies, though… there’s a problem. For example, for one school assignment we had to write a bunch of things we liked or disliked. When I looked at about a number of girls’ papers, I found that some liked movies I couldn’t stand… I’m definately talking about “Lord Of The Rings.” I probably started that fad by bringing the book to school! Darn. I was WAY too excited about those movies. Meanwhile, mine has a number of movies and lines none have probably heard of… “Clerks,” “Memento,” “Waking Life,” heck, I even listed one I hated that none of them have probably heard of (and shouldn’t–“Chasing Amy,” yuck, that sucked more than a Hoover, I didn’t even get into the second hour of the film). Yet somehow, the majority of kids in my school talk about movies like “Scary Movie” (which isn’t a good sign considering that it’s indie–how pathetic), “American Pie…” catch my drift? They like TEEN SEX COMEDIES. I like intellectual/bizarre/unresolved films. The major idea at my school is that “SpongeBob SquarePants” is a good show. “24” is. (I know one kid agrees with me on that.) “SpongeBob” isn’t. It’s not even funny. “Ooh… a blue box! And it has a lid, too!” Uhh… might I ask how people can consider a line like that funny enough to be PRINTED ON AN 8TH GRADER’S T-SHIRT?! That’s another problem… the kids at my school probably like “Friends,” “Dawson’s Creek,” and a bunch of other pathetic shows. I watch a minimal amount of TV–I only look at a TV when a good movie is playing on a DVD/VHS. Heck, there’s only one good show that’s still being made–24, obviously. The new anthologies suck, and are aimed at who? I can’t tell–sex, stupid plots a third-grader could see the ending to (The New Outer Limits had three episodes that surprised me before I stopped watching), and a bunch of other smeg. That’s from Red Dwarf–MORE proof. I like British comedy (Python, “Fawlty Towers”). They like “Dragon Balls.” Any problems?

I’ve got to go. I’ve only got… less than 4 minutes left. See ya.

See, Cube, this is where your problems come in. You think everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. They’re not always wrong.

Hey, and if a girl doesn’t look that good and you like her go for it, she’s probobly not a prep, so what the WORST that can happen? You get rejected and have a worse reputation. Wait. WHAT reputation do you have anyway?

see, that’s the root of your problem :stuck_out_tongue:

I think VK has made a good point in his last post.

unless she’s a spelling bee, than probably not.


dude, youre what, 14? just relax. i wouldnt worry about girls too much right now, at least realtionship wise. besides, you dont get to apprectiate the… voluptuosity of older girls until later in high school. so just chill out, everything wil be fine

You obviously haven’t seen some of the 14 year old girls where I live…

hmm, maybe but theyre still… 14. besides, bet you aint seen some of the girls form NZ…

I know an 11 year old who has big ones.