I’m new to Blender and preparing shrubs and trees for rendering in Blender. I have an opacity clip map plugged into the alpha connection on the Principled BSDF shader with blend mode set to alpha clip but I can still see the transparent edges of the polygons around the leafs outside of the clipping area when rendering. This is acting much like a transparency map would in Lightwave. Is there a way to use and render a proper clip, stencil map in Blender?
So if I disconnect the Principled BSDF shader from the Mix shader node and plug it directly into material output the problem is fixed except now I don’t have the translucency node hooked up. Is there a way to have the clip map and translucency node working properly together in the same node setup?
Just an update I got this working now with a math node. An overly complex node setup to achieve something simple but I guess it works.
Just for further info, you dont have a mask for the translucent shader, and its at a 50/50 mix, so thats probably whats causing that. Also, set the alpha mask as non-color. Alternately, you can add a transparent shader, a mix shader, plug the alpha mask into the factor there, to use it as the mask for the final result, instead of plugging it into the principled BSDF