hey ive been trying to rigg this person up but when i parent the bones with the mesh it doesnt include the cloths only the base model ive joined the clothes to the base model and all but i cant figure out how to fix it. I was wondering whether or not i would have to use the wheight paint tool to get it to work.
thanks Yiolon
You can copy the weight painting from the figure to the clothing, but you may have to make a few adjustments manually after that. You can also keep the clothing as a separate figure/object that uses the same armature as the human figure. After you copy the weight painting from the man to the clothes, add an armature modifier to the clothes and select your armature as the “object” in the modifier’s options panel.
doesnt matter i managed to fix the problem.
i used MakeHuman to create the base human model so instead of making a new skeleton i used one of the pre-set ones and just peranted the cloths to the bones and not the mesh.
Anyway Thanks for the help safety man.
ahhhhhhhh well turns out i didnt fix it im still having the same problems, im wondering if i should just learn to use weight paint or just learn to use the vertex groups.
here’s an updated version of my problem:
Yeah, that looks like a weighting issue. Fortunately, Blender’s weight paint tools aren’t that difficult to learn. If you go to the weight paint mode and select the offending bone (say, the hand bone), you can use the subtract brush to clean up the lower part of the coat. If that doesn’t work, select a different bone in the arm until those vertices behave.
hey ahh this question isn’t about rigging as such but its about the same project.
so has any of you guys got any tips or ways to make clothes? i.e: make them look like cloths and not just bland shapes around a person. it would be a big help if there was a way that didn’t involve textures.
Thanks Yoilon
I can’t help you with the clothes modeling… that’s a whole 'nuther topic. There are numerous tutorials out there for that. I will say that once you get the clothes properly weight mapped with your rig, you can hide parts of the body underneath with vertex groups and the mask modifier.