Procedural Planet

Decided to make a planet with olny procedural textures, here’s what i got at the moment

CnC please

Woah that is awesome! You should make a tutorial on it, I would read it!!

Dang, that looks awesome. The cloud layer is not quite right, but I’m sure you realize that. I second the motion to make a tutorial out of it.

thanks, i know the clouds are not quite right, i went through a ton of work to get it this far so i’m taking a break before fixing the clouds ( and i feel the land is a bit weird still), i really have no clue how to make a tutorial, but ill probably post the mat on the open material repository when im done so it actually gets used for something useful, ill post some of the more renders in a bit

looks great so far…tell me, are the clouds applied to the same mesh as the other textures? If so you should probably create a new sphere and use that for the clouds.

clouds are currently applied to the same mesh as the other textures, i had a separate sphere before, is there some reason why i should apply the clouds to a separate sphere, just wondering if there is an advantage that i don’t know about

the clouds suck from when i moved them from the separate sphere onto the node texture, it messed up the shading on them. heres an old render before anything effected the way the planet is lit and clouds are on separate spheres

also everything looks better on Suzanne

Please, this is really worth making an tutorial about!

The clouds look somewhat better in the old one. I would think that the benefit to a separate sphere would be that you could create a little more depth and shadows.

yeah, your probably right about the clouds, ill see what i can do (am going to try to see if i can get it in all one texture for simplicity but might switch back, i never really messed with the clouds once i switched to nodes), in the middle of working on an entry in this at the moment.

also how do you delete textures and mats your not using, because i wanna delete about 20 textures and 4 mats that i don’t need (added most of them by accident), i wanna delete them before i upload a .blend

as for the tutorial, ill see what i can do when i have more time, but i will say: colorbands, stencils, and alpha maps. without them this texture would have gone nowhere