Procedural ribbon/wake generation tool

based on the parameters set by the user in the control panel of the effect (length, thicknesses) the wake is generated in a procedural manner as a single mesh through the creation of a VBO. a possible texture can be loaded and used by the wake, specifying the path to the image file. Some fade effects are also possible at the bottom, and / or at the top, and / or at the end of the wake.
The positioning of the vertices of this procedural mesh takes place in the vertex shader then on the gpu, saving CPU resources :slight_smile:


Cool effect. Thank you!

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this is really amazing

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Is this an add-on? If so can there be a download link?

It is not a Blender add-on, it is a demo of a UPBGE Component script.
Components are like special game-properties that work with Python scripts(s) for easy tweaking of variables.

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Ok, Thanks for clarification. although, I wish it was an add-on :frowning_face:

Using components are as easy as installing a Blender add-on.
In-fact, they share the same needed factor - They both need a script to create one.

Blender add-ons are scripts that you install into Blender vie the User-Preference Window, or by manually placing the scripts in your Blender’s add-on folder (wherever that maybe)
Components are scripts that you’ve imported into Blender vie the File-Explorer (unless there is some other way that I do not know about), & then have selected the desired script in the Component panel.

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Hmm. Some stuff I didn’t know. But, I am confused if in the title it says TOOL although we can use it unless we find the script some how. :thinking: Because, it could have made my game SOO much better.

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Yes, there is not much difference with a plug-in. This one was part of the many video game development tools I did when I was still working with bge / upbge. I made the whole tools package unlockable upon reaching a certain threshold on my patreon’s channel but there weren’t many people who supported the project so in the end they were never released. Currently have been further improved and converted for a game engine I’m developing.


I Hope Lopas get to release his Sabge. (Stand Alone bge)


Upbge 2.5 get Full deferred rendering in the classic render.

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we need to get critical mass rolling on upbge - then we can sell tools.

right now people don’t know they can use it.

I would pay for GPU armature skinning modifier (for 0.3.0) - (must be last in stack)

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could make a demo with strong music like u4’s or unity’s to catch peoples attentions. :sunglasses:

GPU armature skinning is also my main hesitation to 0.3.0. :tired_face:

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you’re right, but you also know it because this is almost impossible…

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GPU armature skinning will be a huge step and I am willing to pay*

this money is only for this and I bet there are others.

GPL is fine.

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Sorry for the question, perhaps trivial, but in bge / upbge the vertices of the mesh are not positioned through a vertexShader? The position of each single vertex is calculated by the cpu??
In sabge I move the vertices of the meshes through a vertexShader to which I pass a series of matrices calculated by the cpu (per bone). A further improvement (which I will work on later) consists in bringing everything to be borne by the gpu and then encoding the animations into textures and then using a compute shader to calculate those matrices that the vertex shader uses.

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yeah in bge all vertex are deformed on the CPU :frowning:

I would gladly pay for it - to donate it to the community / GPL

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I had difficulty believing it, I probably would have expected worse performances also…
However… I could send you some sources from sabge in order to facilitate you to implement the same functionality in upbge. They are in python/glsl and my vertex_shader performs the simple linear skinning (not dual quaternion atm) It’s ok for you?


yeah, once we have it working we can pull code from godot etc

linear is fine for now.

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Oooh it looks really pretty! : D
Also the fact that it is on the GPU is excellent news!

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So… is this component available for download?