Procedural Rust Feedback

Hello guys,i’m working on this shader and i really want to archive more realism or make more credible the shader,please give me some feedback,tips and construct critics about the work are welcome :yes:


the links show only the rust :smiley:

Kinda hard to tell without looking inside the shader groups. But the little I do see:

  • Inefficient. Two identical noise generators at a whopping 10 detail, where one would be sufficient, probably at lower detail.
  • I would replace harsh transitions with smoothstep function (only in OSL I think, but you can build your own easily).
  • I didn’t study the blending setup, but I generally don’t like feeding anything into displacement (other than quick tests), as it by force affects all layers (if I wanted to coat it). Heh, one day it may actually become a useful input for microdisplacement - well, in my dreams :smiley:

That said, I’m kind of a material/shader guy, but I’ve actually never attempted rust myself. Not in Blender/Cycles anyway. But there are probably many around to download you can check out, good and bad, to compare your own setup with already existing ideas.