Procedural skin texture using blender 2.3.3

Hi all,
An excercise in textures, using the new ones in blender 2.3.3 (currently called the CVS version) with lots of input from elysiun’s members:

This is the WIP thread

looks very natural

Still a bit too much spec IMHO. I would also add a very large cloud texture to the overall texture to help to make the skin tone a little more irregular.

You’ve come a long ways from your WIP. Nice work!


Far too much red. Get naked and look in a mirror (assuming you’re a white dude). Caucasian skin doesn’t look that way. Its a start thought (even if this is in the finish projects forum)


You can go through the wip thread if you like, and see how many changes this texture went through…

Anyway, this is a finished project - I don’t see anything I can change in the texture to make it any better, playing around with the spec and tone does not make this project any less complete.

it is too red indeed…
but about irregularities, i’ve read some time ago in a gametexturetutorial, that adding a colored clouud texture will help, make sure the colours are quite faint…

Hi blackstorm,

Please refer to this thread … you’ll see why I stopped looking for that “cloudy” feeling…

How bout sharing a blend so that the community can play with it? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? :slight_smile:


some people call that the copper zombie ;). check out this tut for proper skin shading


this is definitelly getting better.

Hi all,
Thanks for the input.

dante - I hear you, I am currently abroad (and away from my computer) but as soon as 2.3.3 is out I will publish the .blend file. The only thing I ask for is a credit (cheap, eh)

solmax - This is far from the copper zombie, it has 6 layers of procedural textures and 3 point lighting and stuff… but imporvements can always be made…

Void - thanks!