Procedurally Adding Edge Wear

I’m (re)new to Blender (I haven’t used it in 3 years), and have been working in 3DS Max and Maya until now, but decided as Blender has superior deformation methods that I should use Blender for this.

I am looking to create some stone bricks to create a fantasy dungeon crawler wall.

Not too far down the page on a Legend of Grimrock post, there is an image showing their sculpted bricks and blocks fro ZBrush.

I would like to create something very similar to this, but am not very good at sculpting, and would rather use a procedural method using modifiers or even an external addon for this.

Does anyone know of any methods that would allow me to do this quickly with decent results?

Try the displacement modifier. There is an add-on for generating a brick walls, but those bricks are with simple geometry and no detail, forgot the name though.

I know you said no sculpting, but in this video there’s very little sculpting involved:

Found it: