professional looking renderings for magazin

hi people

as few know alreaddy i write on long report about blender.
and nothing is better than good pictures.

so please people send me your images you whish to be included with your name!!!

teh content is totaly independed and does not matter at all!


Thats nice!

Which magazin will it be???

Ein deutsches, Claas?


Would we be getting royalties?

ne ein britisches aber welt weit vertrieben!!!

dwmitch, what do you mean?
the images of artwork will include the artists name!


here’s my proposition:
It’s a combo of 4 tanks. It must be very powerfull !

goddamn, 3 of the same topics?!?!?!? im sorry, but wheres theeth when u need him

he’s busy at the admin mess hall, lol


i guess you rendered it inside blender with the new ao lamp sinc ei see guilty render artifacts. in case i am right how long did it take?


relaxe the only reason why i double,ah tripple post is because one post doesnt do it here and this is not for me but helping blender. i dont earn a cent on this article. i thought i would be bombed with good renderings. but it wasnt this way. only few replyed.


okay, sorry, its just annoying to think im reading one topic, and turn out to be reading the same topic in another forum… ive shown u my work, if u want, click the search button up there ^ and type in skeletor, and get a look at my work. u can use any of them, my name is
Alex ‘SkeLeTor’ Haynes (with the skeletor please!)

You gotta use Skeletor’s stairs!

Definately a good example of how Blender can be used for photorealistic work.

Also, the F1’s are great pieces of Blender art.

You’re welcome to use any of these from my recent competition entry if you think they might be worthy.


well, i posted images before in your News and Chat thread, but they got completely ignored. im workin on some new images, so i might post when im done.

oh u can still use those other images, but im not gonna dig up the link to that thread before you %|

You can use any of my pic from Ron Loo game

animated trailer of the game

sonix awesome work!

skeletors stairs are already selected.
btw the coke cans have to bright highlights!!!

trol i took your first two images


maybe i lose track of my threads but i shearched for your post and do not find it! i remember that many early posts had broken links! please can you post the images again! sorry for that!


Trol Trol Trol

i wan exclusive rights on your trailer!!!

na just kidding but i was realy amazed whats possible with blender game engine! coudl you please send me some images with the ship and the town with wireframe and full rendered content so we can make a composeting out of it?

and maybe some other small images?

how is this project going?


Well, I might have a body proportions and look of face that easily can make someone think of me that I am Troll, but actually I am just Tol :smiley:

And another mistake is that it is done in Blender game engine- it is not, Blender is used to create game art, to run game we use commercial AGDS game engine.

Of course i can give you any wireframe or info about our game, just drop me e-mail ( [email protected]) or PM me and I will post you what you want :slight_smile:

Anyway- project is going on, it is already sold in some countries (although there is lot of work to do yet) and besides Ron Loo i work on another (super short) adventure in Blender as my personal project:)

about my tanks :
i just rendered it via yafray.
how long ? maybe 20 minutes.

yafray, mh than this means you get in yafray also this problems with smoothing! sad.


you can use images from o9studios

contact o9studios for larger versions

