Progecad to blender


I have a problem that i cant sove. I have progecad ans when i export to 3ds then import to blender and nothings appears.

If i export as LWO, then i get and empty workspace aswell. If i import the LWO to Lightwave i get the same problem but on Lightwave if i select “fit to all” i get the project.
Is there a “fit to all” option on blender?

if i import from archicad it imports, as 3ds, withoud problems.

Maybe blender has that option and i cant find it.

Thank you in advance

Found the problem. Everything is ok now.

Maybe someday this can help someone with the same problem.

Export the project from progeCAD, as .LWO, after performing the command 3DCONVERT.

Import the .LWO file an then go to All Scenes > Select your object > at the left side bar (under object tools) press “Origin” > Select “Geometry to Origin”

Should be ok now :slight_smile: