Progranimation - A study in physics based animation

This is a collection of studies and experiments in rigid body dynamics and pose control using Blenders game engine and python API. All the animation data was generated dynamically in real-time simulations (with the exception of the camera which was key-framed and the cloth which was not real-time)

.blend files and more information here

hope you enjoy!


wow lots of funny things going on here! will give it a deeper look… remind me to some old modulobe creatures. ¡thanks for sharing!

by the way blend file crashes for me on latest build but runs fine on a two weeks old one

very good :slight_smile: to say the modelling is so simple it was very interesting :slight_smile: i will download the .blend when i get a faster machine to work with but its always good to see what its capable of :slight_smile:

I just tested it out on 2.57rc1. It seems to be a problem with layers. If I append all the objects into a new 2.57 file they all run fine. Then when I try to start splitting them off into layers like they were I get lots of crashes.
I’ll probably wait until past rc to make it fully compatible.

Seems to work fine though as long as all the objects are on layer one- so if you want to play with anything in particular just delete what you don’t need.

hope you enjoy!

superb and an inspiration!

pretty cool, it was different than expected, i am more of a game maker but am attempting to animate

Véri, véri enjoyable! Congratulations!

10/10! Very good! (and funny) I also enjoyed the music

This is very interesting!

yes - real time simulations - tasty!

1:54 = Best fail moment EVER!

This is some really great stuff, Looking forward to look a bit more into Theo…Thanks!

Some truly amazing stuff there! I love organic feeling that some of the machines have! I know that you had much fun doing this stuff and I really enjoyed it. I watched it more than once, which (at least for me) means that it is something special.

This is really cool stuff! This might be a stupid question, but does it only work in the game engine?

This reminded me a lot of the procedural animation I have seen in other packages:

Messiah Procedural Animation

Or this in C4D where they had procedural animation added to a dragon, and then could simulate motion capture simply by recording the mouse movements automatically:

Is something like this possible with your routines?

This is already built into Blender.

Select the automatic keyframe insertion.
Select you object or bone.
Hit Alt+A to start the animation.
Hit G to move the object around (the movement will be recorded.)
Esc to stop recording.

This is fun to play with.


Wow! I was simultaneously mesmerized and amused. Thank you for sharing the blends, I’m sure they will provide hours of entertainment for me.

Right, but the dragon’s parts move as it is moved (i.e. the wings flap and tail moves). So the procedural animation is active in the viewport. I could be mistaken. but I don’t think Blender does this… does it?

Well if the goal is create a sequence of the animation using game like logic. I do remember seeing tutorials before were they used the blender game engine to record the movement of the object(s), and then played with the curves to alter the animation.

Pretty sure CGCookie had the tutorial have to look it up again. The idea you thinking to make a puppet like rig so action x causes y of object z to move in some fashion while the rest moves to some natural/base motion?