Progressive fresnel


I’m trying to make a progressive fresnel, but I’m not able… as you can see in the attached picture, the blender that I’m able to get is a sharp transition between the first material and the second material. Is there any way to make a progressive blender?

Best regards,

You can do this in Blender 2.8+ with the Layer Weight node, which offers fresnel but with smoothness. You can change the Blend field to change the level of smoothness. I’m not aware of how to do this in 2.79, I’d recommend upgrading generally, as you’re 5 years behind current at the moment


2.79 has the layer weight node (Add Menu > Input > Layer Weight).


Assuming normals are, ehh, normal, the fresnel IOR value used is wrong for using the fresnel node. It’s always > 1. 1.33 for water, 1.45’ish for regular dielectrics, and 1.55-1.65 for glass. Your value of 0.6 corresponds to 1.667 (1/IOR) but viewed from inside of the material looking into air.


Thank you for your answers. The IOR 0,6 was only to show what i wanted but i’m aware of is not the correct value. I’ll try to apply the layer weight node and let’s see

Thanks a lot